Government Of India,Ministry Of Water Resources Central Soil And Materials Research Station


Laboratory Investigations carried out in CSMRS


S.No. Name of Test
1. Mechanical Analysis
2. Atterberg Limits
3. In-situ Density and Moisture Content
4. Specific Gravity
5. Standard Proctor Compaction
6. Modified Proctor Compaction Test
7. Consolidation Test (with rebound)
8. Laboratory Permeability Test
9. Shrinkage Limit
10 Swelling Pressure Test
11. Free Swell Index
12. Laboratory vane shear test(undisturbed/remoulded samples)
13. Double Hydrometer analysis
14. Crumb Test
15. CBR Test
16. Hydraulic fracturing test 1.5" dia (37.5 mm)
17. Torvane ShearTest
18. P ocket Penetrometer test
19. Lab. Permeability test on Canal lining material
20. Sand Equivalent Test
21. Relative Density Test (3000 Mould)
22. Consolidated Undrained Triaxial test with pore pressure measurements for 10 cm dia
23. Consolidation Undrained Triaxial test 1.5" dia (37.5 mm) without pore pressure measurement
24. Consolidation Undrained Triaxial test 1.5" dia with pore pressure
25. Consolidation Undrained Triaxial test 4" dia (100 mm) without pore pressure measurement
26. Direct sh ear Test 10 cm x 10 cm
27. Direct sh ear Test 10 cm x 10 cm
28. Direct shear Test 6 cm, x 6 cm.
29. Drained Triaxial test-1.5" dia( 37.5 mm) Pervious sample
30. Drained Triaxial test - 1.5" dia (37.5 mm) Impervious sample
31. Drained Triaxial test - 4" dia (100 mm) Imperv ious sample
32. Drained Triaxial test - 4" dia (100 mm) Pervious sample
33. Unconfined Compression Test (37.5 mm dia)
34. Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test with pore pressure measurements for 1.5" dia. (37.5 mm)
35. Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test with pore pressure measurements for 4" dia
36. Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test without pore pressure measurements for 1.5" dia. (37.5 mm)
37. Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test without pore pressure measurements for 4" dia.

Triaxial shear test using upgradedtest systems

S.No. Name of Test
38 Consolidated Undrained Triaxial shear test with pore pressure measurement (Sample size 37.5 mm x 75 mm)
39 Consolidated drained Triaxial shear test (Sample size 37.5 mm x 75 mm)
40 Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial shear test with pore pressure measurement(Sample size 37.5 mm x 75 mm)
41 Unconfined Compression test (Sample size 37.5 mm x 75 mm)
42 Consolidation test using Automated Consolidometer Sample size 63.5 mm x 25.4 mm)
43 Particle size analysis of soil samples using Laser particle size analyzer Range 0.1 micron to 1200 microns
44 Multi stage direct shear test on coarse grained soils (Sample size 30 cm x 30 cm)


S.No. Name of Test
1. Large Size Triaxial Shear Test (Rockfill Material) (38 cm Dia x 81 cm Height)
2. One Dimensional Compression/ Permeability Test (Rockfill Material)
3. Large Size Triaxial Shear Test under Cyclic Condition (Rockfill Material) (50 cm dia x 60 cm height)
4. Large Size Triaxial Shear Test under Cyclic Condition (Rockfill Material) (50 cm dia x 100 cm height)
5. Large Size Direct Shear Test (Rockfill Material) (sample size 100 cm length x 100 cm width x 60 cm ht)
6. Relative Density Test (Rockfill Material)
7. Specific Gravity Test (Rockfill Material)


S.No Name of Test
1. Ultimate Tensile Strength Testing charges for different materials on Electronic Tensile Testing machine (10 T)
2. Permeability test on Geotextile
3. Apparent Opening Size of Geotextiles
4. Mass per unit area of Geotextiles
5. Cone Drop test
6. nterface Friction Measurement of Ge ofabric
7. Thickness Measurement of Geofabric
8. CBR Puncture Strength Test
9. Rod Puncture Strength Test


S.No. Name of Test
1. Normal Consistency
2. Setting time (Initial and Final)
3.; Fineness (Blaine’s)
4. Fineness (Sieving)
5. Soundness test (Autoclave)
6. Soundness ( Lechatlier)
7. Specific Gravity of cement
8. Tensile Strength of cement
9. Compressive Strength of Cement mortar (3, 7 & 28 days)
10. Heat of Hydration
11. Abrasion Test (CA)
12. mpact Tes
13. Specific gravity (Coarse Aggregate)
14. Percent Water Absorption (Coarse Aggregate)
15. Soundn ess 5 cycles (Coarse Aggregate)
16. Alternate wetting and drying (10 cycles)
17. Unit weight (fine aggregate)
18. Sieving and grading
19. Unit weight (coarse aggregate)
20. Aggregate crushing value
21. Alkali aggregate reactivity (Mortar bar test)
22. Grading and fineness modulus
23. Specific gravity (fine aggregate)
24. Silt and clay content
25. Organic impurities
26. Mica content
27. Soundness test (fine aggregate)
28. Compressive strength of sand mortar
29. Workability of concrete (slump cone)
30. Testing of 1 set of 3 concrete cubes
31. Unit weight of concret e
32. Flexural strength of concrete
33. Entrained air content of concrete
34. Design of concrete mixes
35.; Permeability of concrete
36. Pneumatic sand blast on Concrete
37. Crushing strength 2” rock cubes
38. Pneumatic sand blast in surface
39. Tensile strength of M.S Bar
40. Compressive strength of bricks (solid brick/5 nos)
41. Compressive strength of bricks Perforated 5 nos
42. Water absorption (cold water)
43. Water absorption
44. Arizona slant shear test
45. Drying shrinkage test for epoxy mortar
46. Specific heat of concrete
47. Thermal conductivit y
48. Compressive strength of epoxy mortar
49. Efflorescence
50. Warpage (for solid and perforated bricks)
51. Lime reactivity test
52. Water absorption of masonry rock/stone
53. Porosity of masonry
54. Durability test of masonry rock
55. Transverse strength of building stone
56. Bond test for M.S bars (medium tensile steel bars)
57. Testing of concrete and Rock cubes (30 cm) on Bi-axial test equipment
58. Testing of one set of 3 concrete cylinders (50 x 100 cm)
59. Water Retention by concrete curing materials
60. Percent water absorption of fine aggregate (Natural/crushed/Blended)
61. Accelerated Alkali Aggregate test (Mortar Bar test)
62. Elastic Parameters of Concrete cylinder (15 x 30 cm) set of 3 cylinders
63. Accelerated Pozzalonic Activity Index test on MicroSilica
64. Underwater Abrasion test as per ASTM for a set of 3 concrete cylindrical samples
65. Bond strength of epoxy – resin system Used with concrete by slant shear (Set 3 cylinders for bond strength and one Cylinder for compression
66. Rapid Chloride penetration Test (RCPT) for chloride ion penetrabilit y (set of 3 samples)(Without casting/drilling)
67. Rapid Chloride penetration Test (RCPT) for chloride ion penetrability (set of 3 samples)
68. Elongation Index
69. Flakiness Index
70. Materials finer than 75-microns(coarse and fine)


S.No. Name of Test
1. Drilling & Cutting of rock cores, grinding And Polishing (Ex,Ax,Bx,N x) - 1 core
2. Cutiing of rock cores - grinding & polishing – 1 core
3. Cutting of rock cubes (5cm size) – 1 no.
4. Cutting of rock cubes (10 cm size) – 1 no
5. Cutting of rock cubes (15 cm size) – 1 no
6. Electric al resistivity test for core (upto 3 parameters)
7. Specific heat test (3 specimens per sample)
8. Laboratory testing of heat capacity of soil (3 specimens per sample)
9. Compression and shear wave velocity – 1 sample
10. Tensile strength (Brazilian) – 5 cores
11. Direct T ensile strength – 5 cores
12. Uniaxial compression test – 5 cores
13. Flexural strength – 5 cores
14. Triaxial shear test – 5 core
15. Static Elastic parameters (Tangent
16. modulus and Poisson’s ratio) - 5core
17. Mohr’s hardness test – 1 core
18. Schmidt Rebound Hardness – 1 core
19. D orry’s Abrasion test (1 samples=2 specimens)
20. Slake durability test (1 sample = 2 specimens)
21. Direct shear test on discontinuities – 5 cores
22. Point load index test – 10 samples
23. Joint Roughness coefficient – 1 sample


S.No. Name of Test
1. Chemical Analysis of Water for Construction (Upto 8 parameters)
2. Chemical Analysis of Seepage
3. Complete Chemical Analysis of Water (upto 20 inorganic Parameters)
4. Chemical Analysis of Cement Pozzalona/Lime/Rock etc.,
5. Sulphide Sulphur in cement
6. Free Lime Conte nt
7. Cement Content in set Cement Mortar/Concrete
8. Alkali Aggregate Reactivity
9. Alkali Aggregate Reactivity (72 hrs)
10. Acid Soluble Sulphate in Materials of Construction
11. Water Soluble Sulphate in materials of construction
12. Acid Soluble Chlorides in materials of construction
13. Water Soluble Chlorides in materials of construction
14. Available Alkali in Flyash/Silica Fume
15. Active Alkalis of the aggregate (French Method)
16. Chemical Analysis of Admixtures
17. Carbonation Depth in reinforced concrete
18. Durability of resin capsule fo r rock bolting
19. Total soluble salts in materials for construction;
20. Determination of Organic matter
21. Loss on Ignition
22. Specific element determination using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
23. pH Value
24. Determination of Calcium Carbonate content
25. Alkali Content in Materials of construction
26. Determination of Organic Carbon
27. Determination of Cat ion Exchange capacity
28. Dispersive Characteristics of Soils (Chemical method)
29. Chemical composition of soil
30. Total soluble salts in materials of construction
31. Soluble sulphate in materials of construction
32. Soluble chlorides in materials of construction
33. Zinc coating test on GI wires for a set of 3 samples
34. Uniformity of zinc coating test on GI wires (3 samples)
35. Mass of zinc coating test on GI wires for 3 samples
Last Updated Date: Jan 3 2023 11:17AM