Shri Mahabir Dixit, Scientist ‘E’
Rock Mechanics -Lab group comprises of Rock Mechanics Laboratory division and Workshop and Instrumentation division. The main activities are:
- For detailed and controlled testing of responses of rock under different loading conditions, the Rock Engineering Laboratory is well-equipped to undertake the holistic assessment of the detached rock. The properties determined are:
o Physical Properties (Dry, saturated and grain densities; apparent Porosity
and water content at saturation)
o Slake Durability Index
o Strength and Deformability Characteristics of Intact Rock in Uniaxial
Compression (UCS, Tangent Modulus and Poisson Ratio)
o Assessment of shear strength properties through triaxial compression
(Apparent Cohesion and Angle of Internal Friction)
o Direct shear test on rock discontinuties
o Assessment of Hoek and Brown parameters of intact rock
(m and s parameters)
o Indirect Tensile Strengths of Rock
o Compressive and Shear Wave velocities in rock
o Point Load Strength Index
o Schmidt Hammer Rebound Number
o Dorry Abrasion Value
Instrumentation division is involved in the Hydro-electric Projects at the pre-construction stage, construction stage, and remains active even during the post-commissioning stage. To gain confidence in the functioning/safety of the structures involved, and to check the assumptions involved in the design of the structures, crucial importance of instrumentation cannot be over-emphasised.
Monitoring the health of the existing structures.
Dissemination of expertise to in-service engineers of various State Government Departments by establishing regional testing laboratories and impart training in laboratory testing on rock.
Impart training to engineers from within the country and from overseas for investigation and testing in the fields of Geotechnical Engineering.

Testing for UCS and deformation characteristics

Slake Durability Test
